In the process of conducting research, interesting observations are made and other ideas are thought up. Like most, I have failed to write many of them down, but I have written a few, and explore them here. As I progress, I will have the opportunity to probe some of these. Others are firmly planted in other areas of science, and maybe a scientist from those areas will stumble here and take up the challenge (or tell me that it has already been done).
Research interests...
N-N, N=N, etc.
energetic polymers
computational limitations
Development of multidimensional kinetic models of, for example, dioxin formation or atmospheric chemistry.
Educational development...
QuantLab. The analysis of RainX(R) is a common laboratory experiment at lower levels. QuantLab would be a senior (fourth year) analytical laboratory program to expand this experiment to the analysis of everyday products. The student would develop procedures based on the product label, MSDS, and contact with manufacturer. Analysis would be via methods learned and used in previous years: NMR, GC, LC, MS, IR, UV-Vis, etc., and available equipment.
From a meta-level, making public the composition of these compounds would illustrate the array of chemicals used everyday in society.
Spark interest and appreciation in the public for the achievements and applications of science.
What is the data rate that can be assymilated in non-ideal conditions? Kernel: driving an automobile and dealing with traffic and pedestrians while needing to filter out billboards, store signage, posters, sandwich boards, etc., and looking for traffic control signs, parking signage, and streets.
Determine the mechanism of formation of myopia and ????, and a method of correcting it.
(single sided pdf; double sided pdf; abstract)
This work revolves around the fundamental process of chemical bonding. A series of electronic states were observed and assigned in the laser-induced fluorescence and dispersed fluorescence spectra of RhO. Ab initio calculations are used to probe the decomposition pathways of HN3, FN3, and ClN3.
I worked with Dr. Robert Coombe at the University of Denver to understand the chemical processes involved in the proto-NClI chemical laser. NCl is isovalent with O2 and the chemical-oxygen-iodine-laser (COIL) had previously been characterized. Development of a NCl analog to the COIL would open the door to more applications. We found that the process of making NCl from ClN3 is, in itself, complicated and worthy of further investigation. Photoinduced decomposition of ClN3 generates ClN3(vasym). ClN3(vasym) is then involved in a series of chemical reactions in which the ClN3(vasym) density oscillates!