This website is copyright, ©, Roy Jensen. The documents on this website (herein called 'works') are copyright their respective authors. Unless otherwise stated within the work, permission is granted for individuals to use the works on this website for personal and instructional use providing that documents are not altered and information/source is properly referenced. Organizations, including instructional organizations, must obtain permission before using works originating on this website. It is expressly forbidden to redistribute works from other websites; please link to this website. It is expressly forbidden to charge a fee for these works.
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Referencing this website. The following examples shows the minimum information that must be included in your reference: author, website, link(s), access date.
Jensen, R. H., Research link, 22 November 2001.
Jensen, R. H., Teaching:GradeKeeper links, 03 March 2002.
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Points of view. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that an individual has the right to publish criticisms and negative truths about an individual or company. Provided always, the published information must be true. The Criminal Code of Canada addresses defamatory libel (s. 297-316). S. 311 states that 'No person shall be deemed to publish a defamatory libel where he proves that ... that the matter itself was true [at the time of publication]'.